We are learning to use interesting words

Re-read this poem and then write a comment. In the comment you need to choose an emotion e.g. happy, sad or angry and then write interesting words to describe this emotion. You can use a thesaurus to make these words interesting. When you write the words you need to think about:
- what you would be feeling when you have this emotion
- what you look like when you have this emotion
- what you are doing when you have that emotion

(Have a look at my example if you are unsure)

Grumpy Grouch

There’s a grumpy little grouch,
and he gets inside of me.
I don’t like him being there!
I don’t like his company!
He makes me groan and grizzle
and go thumping with my feet.
He makes me grouch and grumble
at everyone I meet!
He makes my face all growly
and my lips go poking out!
And he will not let me whisper,
he will only let me SHOUT!

But . . . this grumpy little grouch
doesn’t hang around for long.
He’ll vanish like a raindrop
when I sing a happy song!

By Jill Eggleton

These similes are about people in our classroom (JT)

Liam is as hot as the sun (JT)
Quentin is as quiet as a fish (DH)
Stephanie is dark like the deep blue sky.(PS)
Kaylib M as smart as a lion. (OC)
Preston plays soccer like David Beckham. (JW)
Anna is red like the sun. (SR)
Dereck is as funny as a clown. (ST)
Oliva can jump as high as a kangaroo. (HG)
